December 27, 2022 - January 3, 2023

December 27, 2022 - January 3, 2023

Thursday, January 19, 2023

London Wrap Up

The DGN Trojan Marching Band, DGN Wind Ensemble, and DGN Choir have returned from an incredibly successful tour in England, with performances at the London New Year's Day Parade, a LNYDP Concert Series at St. John's Smith Square, and the London International Choral Festival. On behalf of Ms. O'Riordan, Dr. Piekarz, Mr. Smith, and the entire tour staff, I offer sincere congratulations to the student musicians who performed with passion, and comported themselves with first-class grace. 

Video Coverage of Performances
Most of our families have already seen the broadcast videos, but if you would like to view them again, please follow these provided links:

Choir Concert (December 29, 2022)
Wind Ensemble Concert (December 29, 2022)

We have received "official photography from LNYDP, including the group photographs. We have added all of these new images to our shared Google Photos archive, which is available HERE. Check out all the new photos! 

Before we left on this tour, our faculty spoke with students about the important role they would play as United States ambassadors. Our hope was that Band and Choir members would understand that their work in this realm was equally - if not more - important than the music they would share with audiences in London. It was clear that our students took our words to heart because their ambassadorship skills were nothing short of remarkable throughout the duration of the tour. Parents and family members, you have every right to be exceptionally proud of the way your students represented our community, state, and nation. Our entourage received compliments at every turn. Airline employees, fellow airplane passengers, Blue Badge Guides, coach drivers, hotel staff, museum staff, and parade organizers all shared compliments with our staff about members of the DGN Band and DGN Choir. 

With Appreciation
Our faculty and staff would like to extend thanks to the parents, grandparents, and other family members associated with the DGN Band and DGN Choir, for your incredible support of this tour. Thank you tackling the financial burden that is associated with saving and fund-raising for an experience of this magnitude. Most importantly, thank you for entrusting our staff to look after and care for your children during our time in Europe. 

To those family and friends that made the trip to London to cheer on our students, thank you! We could truly feel your love and support as we marched past the grandstands, or when we heard your cheers inside concert halls. 

Our entire band and choir program extends gratitude and thanks to Ms. Martha Merilos (DGN Social Studies, retired) and Ms. Sharon Mamula (DGN Student Activities) for their organization of the "Fan Trip" for family and friends who wanted to be with our students in London. Simply put, we could not have done it without them. 

To those family and friends that followed along from home, thank you for doing so! Your messages, comments, Tweets, etc. were a large source of motivation for our students and staff throughout the entire week. 

Thanks is extended to our DGN Band & DGN Choir Alumni who continue to support our program's curriculum in a multitude of ways. Thank you for your messages of support and encouragement as our current students prepared for these important performances in London. And a special thanks to the alumni we saw on the streets of London during the tour and during the parade and concert hall performances. It was incredible to have you with us!

No tour is perfect for every participant. It's impossible to travel with a family of four or five people and not experience at least a few unexpected challenges or set-backs. Traveling with a family of 222 persons amplifies the likelihood for these kinds of road-bumps to emerge. Our students and staff were remarkable in the way they managed these hurdles; especially those who became ill on the tour. As I shared with the entire group on our last night in London, these set-backs will eventually be remembered as minor footnotes to what was otherwise an incredible performance tour. Still, I want to acknowledge that a small number of students had to summon the inner strength to muscle through some challenging illnesses. I was inspired by their commitment to the band, and the way in which they handled themselves at those low moments. 

Finally, we wish to extend a very special thanks to our friends and colleagues who served as chaperones on this tour. They each, in their own way, brought talents and gifts to the experience that benefited our students immensely. All six of these persons (Ms. Peggy Sue Casey, Mr. Liam Jackson, Ms. Valerie Lorimer, Ms. Evangeline Tuohy, Ms. Amanda Zall, Ms. Crystal Zaragoza) forfeited precious personal time with their own families - during the holidays - to make this tour a reality for a group of very appreciative high school musicians. They slept very little, yet supported students compassionately at every turn as if the musicians were their own children. We are eternally grateful, and we know the parents/guardians of these student musicians are as well!

In the days and weeks to come there may still be a few lingering follow-up announcements to make to Tour Participants or their families, and we will use the Parent-Square platform to share those updates as needed. 

Welcome home everyone, and thanks for an incredible adventure!

- Brayer Teague, January 19, 2023