Seats for large groups of passengers, like our touring group, are assigned by the airline in bulk, approximately 24 hours in advance of the flight. The computer system typically loads names in alphabetical order, by last name, and none of us have control over our seat assignment. Exactly which seat you are assigned will not be known to you until you finish the check-in process at the airport.
When we board the plane, you must sit in your assigned seat unless a staff member or airline employee asks a student to make a minor adjustment. This means that you may not be sitting next to or even near your “BFF.” That’s okay; view this as an opportunity to get to know other amazing musicians in our tour group! The airlines ask that passengers remain in their assigned seats. An exception might be if a flight-attendant asks our chaperones to make an adjustment to assist with student-supervision and support.
As soon as you are seated on the plane, adjust the clock on your phone or your wrist watch to reflect local time in London. (Set the clock six hours forward.) You should start thinking that the end of the day is near, and trick your mind into feeling like bedtime is near. After dinner is served, and the crew turns off the interior cabin lights, try to get some sleep. Even if you cannot sleep for several hours at a time, grab as many zzz's as you can. You might be tempted to watch movies, or visit with your neighbor, but those who get some sleep will be far happier travelers upon our arrival in London.
Once we arrive in London we will transfer to the hotel, get checked-in to our rooms, and then do some walking tours in the late afternoon. It is important to force your body to stay awake on our arrival day, until after dinner. Then, we promise you will be ready for a very good night’s sleep!